Learn Computer Science with
Prof. RavindraBabu Ravula
Most practical, Easiest and Structured way to learn everything related to Computer Science from scratch. No prior knowledge is needed.

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Gate CS - 2026 (Self Paced - 1 Year)
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Gate DA - 2026 (Self Paced - 1 Year)
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DSA in Python & C++
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Gate CS - 2027 (Self Paced - 2 Years
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Gate DA - 2027 (Self Paced - 2 Years)
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1:1 Mentorship

Palak Awasthi
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Abhishek Raghuvanshi
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Sayan Surya Shaw
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Shobhit Pal
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Arshad Malik
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Mustafa Namliwala
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Ritapravo Sarker
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Arpit Nigam
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Know Your Instructor
I am Prof. Ravindrababu Ravula, a dedicated Teacher with 15+ years of experience and a deep passion for computer science. My students call me RBR Sir and I did my Masters' degree in Computer Science from IISc Bangalore.
I will share my knowledge and my experiences in the quest to achieve success. My commitment is to help you, the viewers, achieve your aspirations of landing rewarding opportunities at major tech companies.
Education Knows no borders. If you're considering international studies, don't forget to explore 'Game of Visas,' my dedicated consultancy service and my courses which will help you learn everything related to Computer Science (DSA, Web Dev, Data Science, GATE).
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How our student know us
Hello friends I am Jaya bansal I secured all India rank second with a gate score of 1000 and gate computer science stream 2019. I came to know about Ravula’s sir and lecture after surfing on internet about gate 2019 and I watched some sample videos of sir and I was inspired to take all the lectures and I took took the full course of ravula Sir for two years in in 2018 in 2017 itself and I watched all the videos carefully and and take the notes of them and revised thoroughly. I recommend Ravula’s sir full lectures to everyone and my advice to Future aspirants stress Travelers are completely just as I did give as many tests as possible and tests play a key role in the gate examination. They give a complete exposure and remove the fear of the final examination.

Jay Bansal : AIR-2
hello my name is pratik Agarwal I did B Tech from IIT kanpur I passed out in 2010. I got a all India rank of 3 in computer science gate 2019. I joined the Ravindrababu Ravula sir’s lectures two times once in 2016 and then in 2018 but it was my first attempt in Gate last time I did not give gate because of inadequate preparation and I did not attempt gate for two years now this time I gave gate and got all India rank of 3. Ravi sir's lectures are very helpful, I mean I particularly noticed previous year gate questions and video Solutions were very helpful because most of the sources were saying different things but his Solutions were coherent and gave a new perspective on those topics and I saw that he explained questions I mean in multiple times with same concept. He explained many times that helped me to clear my Concepts.

Prithvi Kopplu AIR-3
Hi, my name is Hari Shrawgi and I graduated from NIT Raipur in 2008. Then I joined Broadcom and currently I am employed there also. So I secured All India Rank 6 in GATE CS exam. Like everybody else, I used to watch Ravi sir’s video for my B.Tech preparation and when I decided to pursue GATE while doing my job, I thought his videos will be the best for my preparation as I also have to do a job. So those videos really helped you to set your own pace as is not the case with class room coaching. So they are really helpful for people who are trying to do GATE while parallely working. Then coming to my preparation, I followed a very strict schedule and basically I gave a lot of tests and practiced a lot of questions. I solved all the previous year GATE questions twice. I gave around 240 tests. All thanks to Ravi Sir.

Hari Shrawgi: AIR 6
I am Nihar Ranjan Sahoo from IGIT, Sarang, Odisha. I got AIR-9 in GATE-2017. Ravindrababu Ravula sir’s lectures helped me a lot to clear all my concepts and doubts.
I really appreciate sir’s effort. His motivational videos helped me to stay positive throughout my preparation. He is one of the finest teachers I have ever seen. I feel very much lucky that I got a chance to learn from him. You are doing a fabulous job sir. Keep going.

Nihar Ranjan Sahoo : AIR-9
"You are my inspiration" since the beginning as I am pursuing my Bachelors in Electronics.
Sir, you are just simply awesome and the way you had taught all subjects is more interesting. After watching videos of each subject, I hardly found any doubt and the concepts are really taught in a simple and elegant way. Along with your course videos, your motivational videos, I must say that they are a must watch for everyone and they had a great impact on me also. I used to watch them whenever I feel demotivated and off track. Thank you!

Shivank Gupta : AIR-11
A few months ago while searching for Gate I stumbled upon Ravindra Sir’s demo lectures on YouTube. I watched a couple of his Networking lectures and was awed by the way he had made everything seem so simple and interesting. At that very moment I decided to opt for his full course. His knowledge, dedication and hard work reflect in his videos as they are really good in content. They help you prepare not only for GATE but also in general, develop an interest in the field of Computer Science.
Thank you so much Sir. You are a motivation for millions!

Parul Gupta : AIR-13
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